And so we reach the editing process =O we made it this far!!
well after a good 20 mins of uploading we managed to get all the photos onto the mac and then hit our first bump, where to edit them into a drawn style, so we cooked up jerry and talked about what we wanted to do, we found a great chalk and charcoal effect on photoshop which we loved, it was exactly what we wanted but then we realsied that we would have to put the effect on each photo one by one, to 7000 photos... *cry* jerry suggested another program..the name has left me, where we couldconvert all the images at once, but just have to wait for the computer to do it itself, the downfall to this was that we couldnt have the sketch effect, just making it black and white. So at the end of transfering 26 photos into sketch and at the end of lunch we decided that it would be a good idea to go off and get our heads around what we want to do about it.
Monday, 26 January 2009
Film Friday, Like a Normal Friday but with Film
Well Well we've manage to finally get all of our photos done and down.. all 7000 of them =/. the day was a great success and went off without a hitch involved,Robyn was a star and did everything we wanted of here. We headed up home around about 4ish with memory cards full to the brim with photo gold, 7000 worth, but we had hoped we had taken enough photos too cover all our titles. well i say without a hitch, but i guess you can never reli avoid those mid day dog walkers can you? =]

The New Big Shoot
A/S Media Studies Shooting Schedule
January 2009
Film Title: Magnus Opium
Film Crew: Ross Lusted, George Woolford,
Cast: Robyn Lusted
Contact Numbers: 0208………3, 0208…....5
Place Time Date Props Cast
Gardens 8:15 Friday 16th Robyn
Castle 10:15 Friday 16th Spiders Robyn
Pathways 12:15 Friday 16th Robyn
Field 2:15 Friday 16th Spiders Robyn
Trees 3:00 Friday 16th Robyn
Pond 3:30 Friday 16th Robyn
January 2009
Film Title: Magnus Opium
Film Crew: Ross Lusted, George Woolford,
Cast: Robyn Lusted
Contact Numbers: 0208………3, 0208…....5
Place Time Date Props Cast
Gardens 8:15 Friday 16th Robyn
Castle 10:15 Friday 16th Spiders Robyn
Pathways 12:15 Friday 16th Robyn
Field 2:15 Friday 16th Spiders Robyn
Trees 3:00 Friday 16th Robyn
Pond 3:30 Friday 16th Robyn
When the cats are away the cast must stray
Well with Kirsty amited to hospital and us being photoless, we have been able to enlist the help of Ross's sister, who will instead be appearing in the footage from Kirsty.
The Big Shoot
As i still skii the mountains of grenoble, it was decided that Kirsty and Ross would be able to get all the photos done before kirsty headed off to hospital, and ready for me to edit when i got back and heres how the shoot was ment to go
Shooting Shedule
All of the below shots mentioned will be photographed in Oxleas Woods.
Friday 9th
8am - Meet at Falconwood Station
8:10 - Begin photographing Close-Ups (CU)
9:30 - Photograph round the gardens
Saturday 10th
12pm - continue photographing in the gardens
3pm - photograph running through trees
Continue Sunday 11th if needed.
Sadly Kirsty forgot about the shoot so arange again it must.
Shooting Shedule
All of the below shots mentioned will be photographed in Oxleas Woods.
Friday 9th
8am - Meet at Falconwood Station
8:10 - Begin photographing Close-Ups (CU)
9:30 - Photograph round the gardens
Saturday 10th
12pm - continue photographing in the gardens
3pm - photograph running through trees
Continue Sunday 11th if needed.
Sadly Kirsty forgot about the shoot so arange again it must.
Oh Here Comes Our First Attempt
So we've had our first attempt at getting those photos as Kirsty was due to go into hospital just after christmas and i on holiday. But the day didnt go without its problems and many flaws. We headed out with just the one camera as my was otherwise engaged in other antiques.. thats just the begining. Forgetting its the winter, forgetting how quickly it got dark and forgetting we live in the U.K. we hadn't managed one shot before it had even gotten to dark for the camera to pick anything up, which lead to the flashhaving to be used, which would have been no problem had we been able to take asmany photos as we could have without it. But with the flash overheating and only getting one or two photos every 2-3 seconds we decided to call it a day, but the day hadn't gone a waste as we still managed to gt some good shots and some new ideas such as the 'freak out' shots where the character would breakdown and change from one personality to another.
Experimentation with Digitalism
Well unfortunatly i wasn't able to make this lesson so im affraid ima have to tell you what dear old Ross told you on his blog. so here you go:

"In lesson today George unfortunatly wasn't in so we couldn't really crack on with our storybords so instead myself and Kirsty decided to experiment with digitalism seeing how many photos the camera could take per second.
We discoverd that it took more photos with the flash off but then unless we changed the shutter speed then all the photos would look really dark.
Another idea to consider when editing the photos is when Kirsty becomes evil is that we have ocasinoal flashes or parts of the film that are inverted/negative. This will look good because then it will show how the two personalaties are complete opposites.

I think the eyes and sky both look really effective heer, this is somthing we should definatly consider especially with your make-up Kirsty."

"In lesson today George unfortunatly wasn't in so we couldn't really crack on with our storybords so instead myself and Kirsty decided to experiment with digitalism seeing how many photos the camera could take per second.
We discoverd that it took more photos with the flash off but then unless we changed the shutter speed then all the photos would look really dark.
Another idea to consider when editing the photos is when Kirsty becomes evil is that we have ocasinoal flashes or parts of the film that are inverted/negative. This will look good because then it will show how the two personalaties are complete opposites.

I think the eyes and sky both look really effective heer, this is somthing we should definatly consider especially with your make-up Kirsty."
It Ain't no Title Without no Tunes
Well thats my being imaginative for today ^^^^
Well as the good title says its no title without no tunes, so our miss musician (Kirsty) was asigned to that task and take to it she did, the sounds she brought out of the piano were exactly, if not better than what we wanted so thumbs up to that. Bout the only things thats solid so far =]
Well as the good title says its no title without no tunes, so our miss musician (Kirsty) was asigned to that task and take to it she did, the sounds she brought out of the piano were exactly, if not better than what we wanted so thumbs up to that. Bout the only things thats solid so far =]
Indepth Development on the Plot
Ahh, once again we meet to disscuss our plot to our titles indepth even more. Which was relatively painfull not just because i lost my voice either =P. Well we manage to spit a few things together such as using both my sister's and Ross's cameras we would head upto Oxleys wood, set the cameras to multishot and fireaway at Kirstys every step, and a bit of scenery.. why not?
An idea that had been floating around from the start was the inclusion of spiders in the titles, such as the schitzophrinic adopting the murderous styles of spiders/using the spiders themselves in the murders someway/or just a trademark thing, such the like as roses,cards,kisses, something significant to the merderer. At which we decided that we liked the idea of spiders as the murder weapon, so arose the Magnus opium. This is a pod of web created by the spider to protect its young, which the killer would place inside the throat of the victim and then leave it for the spider to hatch out insearch of food and to devour the victim from inside out. ANd from this arose the idea to use webbing for the titles themselves, we thought this would look rather good and would fit in rather nicely. Bringing the spiders back into it we thought that we could also get someshots of spiders climbing ove other instruments used for murder.
The link between spider and Schitzophrinic isnt all that different in our case as they share many features in the film such as tehy both bound thier victims in webbing/rope, alsoo some spider commit suicide after birth (weird huh?) which is also what ends the reign of our murderous subject.
Although a merciless killer who appears to have no concept of the law, our character does have a reason to her bloodshed. She reaps those who bear children but neglect,beat,abuse them. She belives that the way they treat them they dont deserve them, at an extreamity we admit, but the push was the character herslf being infertile and unable to bear a child of her own. In a sense she is just an excentric justic bringer.
Earlier i mentioned the whole tophat cape thing to represent the 'evil side' well we liked the idea of a visual change so we decided upon good old make-up and colours to get the change in personalities across. So we thought light or no make-up with bright summery colours for when shes in her, what we call 'good side'. And heavy make-up, possiblywith tatoos/marking upon her face, with dark colours, blacks heavy greys and red for when she is at her 'evil side'. As Kirsty is alergic to facepaints we decided that mascara and eyeliner would do just fine and Ross suggested something like that of the band 'KISS' =P.
And back to talk of footage we were, the idea of flashing images of her eyes and the like would give it a.. jumpy feel? well a bit thrilling anyway.
An idea that had been floating around from the start was the inclusion of spiders in the titles, such as the schitzophrinic adopting the murderous styles of spiders/using the spiders themselves in the murders someway/or just a trademark thing, such the like as roses,cards,kisses, something significant to the merderer. At which we decided that we liked the idea of spiders as the murder weapon, so arose the Magnus opium. This is a pod of web created by the spider to protect its young, which the killer would place inside the throat of the victim and then leave it for the spider to hatch out insearch of food and to devour the victim from inside out. ANd from this arose the idea to use webbing for the titles themselves, we thought this would look rather good and would fit in rather nicely. Bringing the spiders back into it we thought that we could also get someshots of spiders climbing ove other instruments used for murder.
The link between spider and Schitzophrinic isnt all that different in our case as they share many features in the film such as tehy both bound thier victims in webbing/rope, alsoo some spider commit suicide after birth (weird huh?) which is also what ends the reign of our murderous subject.
Although a merciless killer who appears to have no concept of the law, our character does have a reason to her bloodshed. She reaps those who bear children but neglect,beat,abuse them. She belives that the way they treat them they dont deserve them, at an extreamity we admit, but the push was the character herslf being infertile and unable to bear a child of her own. In a sense she is just an excentric justic bringer.
Earlier i mentioned the whole tophat cape thing to represent the 'evil side' well we liked the idea of a visual change so we decided upon good old make-up and colours to get the change in personalities across. So we thought light or no make-up with bright summery colours for when shes in her, what we call 'good side'. And heavy make-up, possiblywith tatoos/marking upon her face, with dark colours, blacks heavy greys and red for when she is at her 'evil side'. As Kirsty is alergic to facepaints we decided that mascara and eyeliner would do just fine and Ross suggested something like that of the band 'KISS' =P.
And back to talk of footage we were, the idea of flashing images of her eyes and the like would give it a.. jumpy feel? well a bit thrilling anyway.
So the logline.. hate these things..
well for the logline i guess we'd have to consider things such as:
1. Who/What is the main character/central focus of the film and what is it they want or are striving to achive throughout the film. In our case it would be:
- A schizophrinic murderer, who kills due to the desire of her 'evil' side of which she cannot control.
2. What sort of problems/troublesom encounters the main character faces. In ours i guess im'a have to go with Kirsty and say:
- Herself?
3. What can we say briefly about our film that makes it unique from all the other murder films out there?
- A female play on the old jeckal and hyde story, with an obsesion with spiders.
So for the logline itself, a dull slightly curious one would maybe be:
- A murderous schitzophrinic killing through London
Whereas a slightly more interesting one might be:
-What will she do as her shadow reaps throught the streets of London?
well for the logline i guess we'd have to consider things such as:
1. Who/What is the main character/central focus of the film and what is it they want or are striving to achive throughout the film. In our case it would be:
- A schizophrinic murderer, who kills due to the desire of her 'evil' side of which she cannot control.
2. What sort of problems/troublesom encounters the main character faces. In ours i guess im'a have to go with Kirsty and say:
- Herself?
3. What can we say briefly about our film that makes it unique from all the other murder films out there?
- A female play on the old jeckal and hyde story, with an obsesion with spiders.
So for the logline itself, a dull slightly curious one would maybe be:
- A murderous schitzophrinic killing through London
Whereas a slightly more interesting one might be:
-What will she do as her shadow reaps throught the streets of London?
Our Plot Disscussion

So we had the style, all we needed now was the idea, or plot if you will. Ross originally wanted to base the sequence on a spider, creating a thriller/horror film titled 'Aracnid', but then we agreed as we were going with the 'juno' idea that photographing a spider, of which A. we didnt have and B. would either be costly and inapropriate to the size of which we would like, wopuld prove rather difficult.
In the end we decided to go with Kirsty's idea of a schitzophrinic who had a good side, but also an evil murderous side, who spreads through London killing. A bit of a Jeckal and Hyde story. We toyed with the idea of having kirsty (who volentird to act) to wear a top hat and cloak for the murderous side (rather generic wouldn't you say?) however this wasnt really what we were aiming for as a group so we decided against it.
Our Title Sequence
Okay so here's what we've been tasked to do, to create the title sequence to a film, genre and style up to us. Beyond the belief that a group of people will agree, we managed to decide what we wanted to do, after a bit of convincing and encouraging i manage to bring Kirsty and Ross around to the idea of an animated opening sequence. So upon the decision we headed over to the mac room and hit on youtube and began to search upon different styles of animation.
I had initialy come to this project with an exact idea of what type of animation i wanted to do, examplefied in this clip, but after a conversation between ourselves and with Nina we realised that this annimation wouldn't be achievable as we didnt have the right programs and it didnt prove to be cost effected either. Aswell as the fact that this would require hand drawn images, which out of the three of us, Kirsty was the onlyone with a rather decent drawing capability and wouldn't be able to produce the vast amounts of images we would nee, so out the window that went.
I had favoured the opening sequence of an animated film called 'Karas' which the exploding titles enticed me, but again we realised that this would not be achiveable, on the basis of programs and the fact that this was the first animation project any of us had taken on.
Finally a bit of time later we were show the titles to the film 'Juno' which we imediatly took a liking to, it was a mix of animation (which we wanted) and photography (a specialty of a fellow member, Ross) so we decided that this seemed acheivable to us and we took it up and worked out we would need roughly 24 frames a second to give it a sense of fluidness.
I had initialy come to this project with an exact idea of what type of animation i wanted to do, examplefied in this clip, but after a conversation between ourselves and with Nina we realised that this annimation wouldn't be achievable as we didnt have the right programs and it didnt prove to be cost effected either. Aswell as the fact that this would require hand drawn images, which out of the three of us, Kirsty was the onlyone with a rather decent drawing capability and wouldn't be able to produce the vast amounts of images we would nee, so out the window that went.
I had favoured the opening sequence of an animated film called 'Karas' which the exploding titles enticed me, but again we realised that this would not be achiveable, on the basis of programs and the fact that this was the first animation project any of us had taken on.
Finally a bit of time later we were show the titles to the film 'Juno' which we imediatly took a liking to, it was a mix of animation (which we wanted) and photography (a specialty of a fellow member, Ross) so we decided that this seemed acheivable to us and we took it up and worked out we would need roughly 24 frames a second to give it a sense of fluidness.
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