Monday, 26 January 2009

Oh Here Comes Our First Attempt

So we've had our first attempt at getting those photos as Kirsty was due to go into hospital just after christmas and i on holiday. But the day didnt go without its problems and many flaws. We headed out with just the one camera as my was otherwise engaged in other antiques.. thats just the begining. Forgetting its the winter, forgetting how quickly it got dark and forgetting we live in the U.K. we hadn't managed one shot before it had even gotten to dark for the camera to pick anything up, which lead to the flashhaving to be used, which would have been no problem had we been able to take asmany photos as we could have without it. But with the flash overheating and only getting one or two photos every 2-3 seconds we decided to call it a day, but the day hadn't gone a waste as we still managed to gt some good shots and some new ideas such as the 'freak out' shots where the character would breakdown and change from one personality to another.

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